My Wheat-ectomy and Wheat Belly Review

You may want to put down that baked treat you’re having right now with your cup of coffee/tea before you carry on reading this article. The Glycemic Index (GI) of Whole Grain Bread (72) Is Higher Than That of Table Sugar (59.5)! A Snickers Bar Is Far Better (41)! For almost half a century, we […]

Yadaweya Egyptian Heritage Emporium, Where Egyptian Handicrafts Portray and Recount Our Ancestors’ Stories… Whether you are a devoted Cairene or an outsider who just wants to rediscover Egypt, then you should check out Yadaweya website, the new Egyptian heritage hub. Yadaweya is an online, storytelling, sightseeing marketplace for Egyptian handicrafts. It’s a platform for sharing stories of our […]

Who I Am and Why I’m Here

Hi, I’m Marwa. I live in a very red room in Cairo, Egypt. I’m a proud Muslim woman who loves writing and reading. I have a big, neurotic, argumentative yet compassionate family, whom I’m madly in love with, and I’m happy to share some life stories that positively shaped my life, character and psyche. I’ve been quietly […]

Egyptian Heritage Captured In Wood

You can almost smell the soothing scent of freshly baked bread wafting out of this painting. Amid the quiet life and wooden houses of the small village of Aboramad in the far south of Egypt, sits this man to make their traditional bread qabowry. First he lights a fire using the firewood of Acacia trees […]

And the Pharaoh was kind! By Hassan Kamal

It was once prestigious, valued, and hoarded up; now it’s merely a bothersome, jingly, worthless, circulating piece of metal that you can’t wait to get rid of! Read the sad story of the Egyptian one pound note in Koshari Misr, the story of the four great Kings who’ve been living in an all-shades-of-yellow depressing imprisonment […]

Exit Door (Bab Al-Khorouj): A Novel by Ezzedine Choukri Fishere

“I don’t want you to measure your behavior on what you think is possible human perfection, i.e. your father, and feel inadequate for the rest of your life. I am not perfect or great any more than you can.” How many times have you heard a father—whether yours or someone else’s—say this to his son? […]